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Website Registration PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Claudio Vella   
Apr 30, 2008 at 05:00 PM

Image Why not register to the website?

Registration is free and simple.


  1. Go to Home. Click the Create One from the Left Login Form.
  2. Enter your preferred Username, Full name, a valid email and a password.
  3. Once this is done, the system will send you a confirmation email automatically.
    (This email may take 5 minutes to arrive.)
  4. Open your email program (Ex. Outlook) and click the link provided in that email.

You are now a valid registered member and can access certain areas.

Happy Browsing. 


 Have done the above and sill having problems?

 1.  Mailbox quota exceeded 

Some users are having problem simply because their mailbox is full, hence the system cannot deliver the confirmation email. Simply check your mailbox and resent your registration. 


2.   No username and password to enter

 You need to create a preferred user name and a preferred password. You might be asked to change the username if it already exist in the system.


3.  Email does not exist

Make sure the email you wrote in the registration form is a valid email, otherwise the email the system will generate cannot be delivered to you. If this is the case registration cannot proceed. Send us the username you registered with in order for us to correct the situation. 


 Any problems



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Last Updated ( May 28, 2008 at 04:42 AM )
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